Saturday 17 May 2008

Happy Long Weekend

For us Canadians, this is the weekend that launches our summer. Many go fishing, others go and open up their cottages and camps to prep them for the hot months to come. Some brave the chilly nights and go camping. Brr!! I sure would not want to be them. Plus it's raining cats and dogs today so I'm very happy in my warm house. I've been busy creating some cards with my scraps. I started a little challenge over on my RAK thread over at two peas in a bucket. I call it "SYSAS" Scrap your Stash and Scraps. It's a fun way to use up all those pieces of papers and old stash you've got laying around your space. During week 1 I challenged my rakers to create a card containing anything with "black". They made me proud. They came up with some fantastic creations. This week (2) I challenged them to find 3 pieces of pattern papers that co-ordinated. I'm loving the cards they are coming up with. Tomorrow will be week 3 and I must come up with something very creative for them. These are the cards that I created for my challenges. All 3 designs were cased from some very talented ladies at . I always try to make the cards my own by only casing their design of the card. I hope you enjoyed my creations and I'll keep you posted on next week's challenge.

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